From 2014 onwards, the Kurds of Northern Syria conquered a de facto autonomy from the Government of Damascus. As in Northern Iraq, this Kurdish autonomy was obtained in a context of foreign invasions and combats against foreign-backed jihadists militias.
In spite of that, an igualitarian and tolerant political experience took place in the Kurdish controlled areas. Together with their struggle against the Islamic State, such policies made the Kurdish mediatic again, even in the Western States more involved in the Syrian war.
In 2016, at the peak of the combat against the I.S., a CEAUP team interviewed the delegate of the Rojava Government in the USA, Ms Sinam Mohamad. Over more than one hour, she talked about several issues of the Kurdish movement in Syria.
Considering the usual lack of visibility given to the Middle East local actors by the mainstream media, this interview keeps its full up-to-dateness.