The Palestinian Left – Interview with Qais Abdul-Karim (DFLP)

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) is a historical left wing movement of the Palestinian Resistance. It was formed in 1969 out of a splitting of one the earlier Palestinian movements (George Habache’s Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, previously the Arab National Movement).


With his first General Secretary, Nayef Hawatmeh, the DFLP (originally named  Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine) entered the Palestinian National Council with a double political project: to turn Palestine into a non-Zionist multicultural state and Jordan into a “national democratic state” .

Since then it remains part of the military resistance in the West Bank and in Gaza. Within the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) and the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), the DFLP  has been an important contributor to overcome the gaps among Palestinian organisations and to find short-term ways for the two-state solution.

When this interview was taken, Dr. Qais Abdul-Karim /Khader was a member of DFLP Politburo and chairman of the Social Affairs Committee in the PLC . He had just returned from the Cairo negotiations round that halted the Israeli bombing of Gaza. This publication of this 2014 interview keeps updated in view of the broad understanding it provides on complex issues and because it is part of a CEAUP project to record oral sources of Middle East political and Trade Union organisations.


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