Письмо исследователя

Bassel Akar

Nome: Bassel Akar

Nacionalidade: Lebanese
E-mail: bassel.akar (arroba) gmail.com

Graus Académicos (último): Doctorado (PhD in Education)

Ano de conclusão do grau académico (último): 2009

Vínculo Profissional: Associate Professor of Education


% de afetação à unidade: 0.25

Principal área científica no âmbito do CEAUP: Education 

Outras áreas científicas:  Citizenship education, education in conflict-affected areas

Projetos em curso no âmbito do CEAUP:

  • Teacher agency during crisis
  • Resilience of education systems in emergency
  • Effects of COVID-19 school closure on child protection and education

Principais publicações

  • Starkey, H., Akar, B., Jerome, L., & Osler, A. (2014). Power, pedagogy and participation: Ethics and pragmatics in research with young people. Research in Comparative and International Education, 9(4), 426-440.

  • Akar, B., & Albrecht, M. (2017). Influences of nationalisms on citizenship education: revealing a ‘dark side’ in Lebanon. Nations and nationalism, 23(3), 547-570. doi:10.1111/nana.12316

  • Akar, B. (2018). Reframing approaches to narrating young people’s conceptualisations of citizenship in education research. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 48(3), 414-431. doi:10.1080/03057925.2017.1396532

  • Akar, B. (2019). Citizenship education in conflict-affected areas: Lebanon and beyond. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

  • Akar, B. (2020). Citizenship education in conflict-affected areas and nation-states: empowering teachers for sustainable reform. Intercultural Education, 1-14. doi:10.1080/14675986.2020.1794123

  • Ghosn-Chelala, M., & Akar, B. (2021). Citizenship education for environmental sustainability in Lebanon: public school teachers’ understandings and approaches. Environmental Education Research, 1-16. doi:10.1080/13504622.2021.1879024






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Centro de Estudos Africanos da Universidade do Porto
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