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Journal Synergies | twelfth issue of the Scientific Journal is now available online

The twelfth number of journal Sinergias - Diálogos Educativos para a Transformação Social is   is now available online . This new issue continues the debate and reflection started with the 11th number on the topic "The Policy Environment for Development Education”.

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The cost of agricultural produce in Portugal’s Alentejo region

"Our researcher Miguel Filipe Silva joined two students of the International Master in African Studies (EIMAS ERASMUS), Diana Takacsova and Oladeji Odunola Alexander, in a research about migrations, new slavery and forced labour in Alentejo, around olive oil and red fruits production.

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Centro de Estudos Africanos da Universidade do Porto
Via panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto

+351 22 607 71 41