Number 11 already available - Sinergias: Diálogos Educativos para a transformação Social

This issue was born of a joint call shared with three european journals focused on development education (DE) and global learning (GL):

  • International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning (United Kingdom);
  • Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review (Ireland);
  • ZEP: Journal of International Research and Development Education (Germany).


The topic of this number is "The Policy Environment for Development Education” and directs the discussion towards how national and international policies for DE are being implemented and articulated, namely focusing on its potential, obstacles and challenges. As usual, beside the focal topic, other articles dedicated to DE and GL, with different natures and themes, can be found in this number (please see this number index below).


In addition to the quality and relevance of the texts, we highlight the fact that this number covers a wider range of geographical realities, some of them for the first time in journal Sinergias’ history, such as the case of articles from Colombia, Mozambique and Australia.


The journal is available, free of charge, on the DE Synergies project’s website.


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