A renda é um rendimento associado à propriedade ou domínio da terra, não contendo trabalho. A sua importância num país reflecte-se nas possibilidades de desenvolvimento.
A renda é um rendimento associado à propriedade ou domínio da terra, não contendo trabalho. A sua importância num país reflecte-se nas possibilidades de desenvolvimento.
O texto que aqui se apresenta pretende ser uma reflexão sobre as representações geográficas vinculadas no na I Exposição Colonial Portuguesa, em 1934, e de que forma elas reflectiram e moldaram o imaginário nacional sobre os espaços do império português, ao mesmo tempo, que se problematiza a apropriação dos saberes geográficos como veículo ideológico e de propaganda.
Até quase ao fim do período colonial, a exportação portuguesa de manufacturas de algodão esteve dependente dos mercados coloniais, e em particular do de Angola.
Over four decades have passed since the invasion of Western Sahara by the Moroccan Kingdom in October 1975. The status of this non-autonomous territory has not changed and it is clearly defined not only by the UN Resolutions as well as the International Court, the African Union and the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Africa due to its geostrategic repository of huge natural resources of global interest as well as its growing population and markets have become of huge interest to powerful states of the world.
Este artigo pretende contribuir para o repensar de alguns paradigmas, como o da simples utilização de palavras que usamos de forma corrente para qualificar as lutas armadas de libertação que tiveram lugar em determinados países africanos (ou mesmo noutra parte do terceiro mundo).
The former colony of the Western Sahara remains one of the oldest decolonization conflicts. It was a war-zone for 16 years (1976-1991). Since 1991 a political stalemate is going on which has prevented the establishment of effective heritage and development policies in the region.
Eighty percent of Western Sahara has been militarily occupied since 1975 by the Kingdom of Morocco. In 1991 a cease-fire was signed between the parties. Since 1975 the Saharawi population has been under a Moroccan regime of repression, social, economic and political apartheid.
Gender inequality has been broadly discussed in recent times, yet its impact on inclusive development remains a subject not commonly considered. This paper aims to seek out and understand the relationship between gender inequality and inclusive development. Our consideration of gender inequality is limited to domestic violence against women.
The subject of colonization as one of the greatest forces militating against African culture and development has gained no little attention from various African writers, both of fiction and critical essays. This paper reflects on African community spirit (as encapsulated in the Ubuntu philosophy): what it is, its characteristics, and an attempt to trace the transition of African societies from a previously more community-centred character of living into a Western-patterned individualistic nature.
R&D Unit integrated in the project number UIDB/00495/2020 (DOI 10.54499/UIDB/00495/2020) and UIDP/00495/2020.
Centro de Estudos Africanos da Universidade do Porto
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4150-564 Porto
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